Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Aces Were Wild Tonight

Terry Hore & Carl Troke celebrate their Hole-in-One's in the Clubhouse
It usually happens a few times each season that a league member will get a hole-in-one. It's always special, especially when it's that golfers first ever. But how often does it happen that two golfers get their very first aces on the same night just minutes apart? Not very often for sure. Add to the fact that tonight those two golfers play on the same team and the odds grow significantly.

That was the case this evening as both Carl Troke and Terry Hore of the Bogies sank their first ever hole-in-one's within minutes of each other. Carl's ace came on the 126 yard 15th hole using an 8 iron. Although his fellow golfers knew it was in, Carl had to wait until he looked in the cup before he would let himself believe it had actually happened. As it turns out it was also the Closest to the Pin hole on the back nine so Carl had a bit of a bonus.

Terry Hore removes his ace from the 16h hole.
Terry, who only moments earlier had been discussing with yours truly how he'd never had one in all his years golfing, stepped up to the 108 yard 16th hole with a pitching wedge and settled his tee shot onto the green. He then watched as it rolled right to the hole and quickly disappeared into the cup leading to a long awaited celebration. Congratulations to both Carl and Terry!

The other Closest to the Pin prize went to Dave Reid who stuck his tee shot close on hole #6. The 50/50 winner for the night was Matt Kearns. Tim Donaldson had the low round for the evening shooting an even par 27.

The point totals for the night went as follows... The Southpaws and KGB each took six points while the Rolling Stones and Whizbangers earned five points each. The Bogies and CCCP took four points while the Latecomers and Fat Shafts each grabbed two points. Single points went to the Dubbers and Hackers.

Don't forget just three weeks of regular season remain before the playoffs begin.

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